Resources with Information on Quaker’s National and International Peacebuilding Activities
An addendum to our Minute on the Israel Palestine War.
Friends Committee on National Legislation – The Friends Committee on National Legislation is a national, nonpartisan Quaker organization that lobbies Congress and the administration to advance peace, justice and environmental stewardship. It was founded in 1943. (this link is focused on Ukraine)
Friends Peace Teams – Friends Peace Teams is a Spirit-led organization working to develop long-term relationships with communities in conflict around the world to create programs for peacebuilding, healing and reconciliation. Founded in 1993, the organization now works in twenty countries. (focuses on changes in individuals)
American Friends Service Committee – AFSC works for a just, peaceful, and sustainable world free of violence, inequality, and oppression. We join with people and partners worldwide to meet urgent community needs, challenge injustice, and build peace. AFSC was founded in 1917.
The Friends Journal – The Friends Journal is a publication devoted to the religious and spiritual concerns of Quakers. (on Ukraine)
Friends World Committee for Consultation – FWCC exists to bring fellowship to all Quakers around the world and speak on behalf of Quakers in international spaces such as the United Nations. Founded in 1937. (has a section on Israel and Palestine)
Canberra and Region Quakers – Australian Quakers Peace work.
Alternatives to Violence Project International – In the 1970s, a group of Quakers worked with prisoners at Greenhaven prison in New York to develop training that would reduce violence in the prison. The workshops have evolved to address violence in prisons and communities around the world.
Quaker United Nations Office – QUNO maintains houses in Geneva and New York to serve as QUNO offices and meeting places close to the UN. For nearly fifty years, Quaker Houses have provided a place where UN diplomats, staff, and nongovernmental partners can work on difficult issues in a quiet, off-the-record atmosphere out of the public eye.
Quakers in Britain – Britain Yearly Meeting is the formal name of the main organization of Quakers in Britain. (broadly about UK’s efforts opposing violence and militarism, and specifically about peacebuilding).